Lagunas de las Madres
It is located in the municipality of Arganda del Rey. In the southeast of the metropolitan area of Madrid, considered as a natural enclave in the confluence of the rivers Jarama and Manzanares, it extends an area whose environmental quality is defined by the contrasts that suppose the coexistence of areas of high ecological, paleontological and archaeological value and the degradation produced by the industrial activity, the inadequate exploitation of the resources and factors derived from its periurban character.
On the one hand, the landscape, natural and environmental aspects provide us with ideal natural resources for the study and dissemination of knowledge of the different ecosystems. On the other hand, this space has been created by a highly degrading industrial activity, such as the extraction of aggregates, which once the exploitation was completed was the object of a regeneration and recovery project, with the result of creating a "semi-natural" or "naturalised" space.
An important factor to take into account is its proximity to densely populated urban areas, such as the capital Madrid and other municipalities in the metropolitan area, which are demanding more and more recreational spaces, while at the same time suffering from the lack of environmental training centres (nature classrooms, interpretation centres, environmental training centres), located in the natural areas themselves, which are essential for the process of raising awareness and conserving our environment.
Among the species that we find, there are carp, barbels, Black-Bass and rainbow trout.